Sheet metal processing: more machines

In order to provide a comprehensive range of solutions, discover more machines dedicated to sheet metal processing. Other than press brakes & shears, JEAN PERROT designs, manufactures & supplies : tube & profile bending machines, sheet metal rolling machines, notching and punching machines.


profile tube benders bending machineBENDING MACHINES : Bar, PROFILE, PIPE & TUBE BENDERS

Standard or customized, JEAN PERROT benders ensure reliability, versatility & precision. According to your needs, we can supply hydraulic or electric bending machines.




rolling machine sheet metal rollerROLLING MACHINES : SHEET METAL ROLLERS

Depending on your project, we can supply manual, electric or hydraulic rolling machines with 2, 3 or 4 rolls. JEAN PERROT's sheet metal rollers have the capacity to prebend leading and trailing edges without removing the workpiece from the machine.




notching machine sheet metal notcherVARIABLE ANGLE NOTCHING MACHINE

Our hydraulic variable angle notching machines allow simple and fast cutting of steel or stainless steel sheets.






punching machine sheet metal workingHYDRAULIC PUNCHING MACHINES

According to your needs, we can supply punching machines from 65 to 175 tons. These machines can be equipped with accessories & peripheral equipment in order to form a turnkey punching line.


News & Events

JEAN PERROT in the pages of International Sheet Metal Review

As part of the LAMIERA 2023 trade show in Milan, where our Italian subsidiary GADE is exhibiting, ISMR has published a fine...

Jean Perrot at Tolexpo 2021

Come and meet us from 6th to 9th September at Global Industry at Eurexpo Lyon!

booth 6G36

You will discover our cutting edge technologies and processes for sheet metal processing:

  • Our

    Customers and Partners Reception

    Dear Customers and Partners,

    PINETTE P.E.I. and JEAN PERROT are fully operational.

    Our activity is nearly completely restored with new rules and habit. Our teams of design and support are ful...